Monday, September 13, 2010

No Longer The Man I Only Thought I Was

Gave up on the road rage since I now drive a real teeny little car
Don’t smash my beer bottles in the street as I just suck a little herb at home

Now spending as much time in church as watching football, that is, none at all
Lost the fantasy-macho fat that was bloating my face and neck

Always wear a tee-shirt over the spikey tattoo on my shrunken bicep
Quit proving myself on ATVs, snowmobiles, jetskis and dirtbikes

Got off the Meth when my teeth rotted and all my hair fell out
No longer can ignore the hemorrhoids and back pain from driving the big Cats

Don’t bother with the horn and just get out of the way without any obscene gestures
The Harley got repoed and sometimes I still wish that I missed it a little more

Don’t waste my time telling off loudmouthed women anymore
Took off my loud mufflers so I could listen to the news

Sold my NASCAR jacket on eBay and gave up on chewing Copenhagen
Stopped dropping my garbage off in front of overfilled apartment dumpsters

Got rid of the huge speakers cause now I just wear my headphones
No longer keep that loaded handgun just underneath the driver’s seat

Only beat up the wife or the kids once in a while, anymore
Noticed I quit swerving at cats that are walking across the road

Probably won’t move to Vegas to make my living playing blackjack
Went soft and quit hunting but still keep the rifle in the closet

Finally saw myself as just another injured, former would-be athlete
Stopped driving up real close behind slow vehicles driving in the left lane

Somehow don’t live on donuts and double cheeseburgers, like I used to
Lately heeding the lessons of all the drunk whippings that I’ve taken

No longer bother the Boss man with dry sarcasm and pointed questions
Can’t seem to get so righteously angry if I have to wait for too damn long

Don’t find as much pleasure ridiculing the queers and the geeks
Sometimes I just don’t charge shit I don’t really need and actually can’t afford

Started to notice that the toilet was dirty and the floor needed vacuumed
Slowly lost interest in pitching, batting and salary statistics

Couldn’t figure out why I always talked about those violent movies so much, all the time
Just tried to stay alive until I could drop my weapon and get back home again

Set there and wondered why I was wearing work boots to sit in a tiny cubicle
Lost pleasure in finding ways to stop other guys from passing me out on the 8-lane

No longer flick my lit butts out the window at my tailgating enemies
Stopped thinking about my Budweiser from about noon on, every day

Finally figured out I shouldn’t violate the wife’s court restraining orders
Wanted to get to know the kids I never supported and hadn’t seen for years

Started to question the strength I thought I had learned during my time in jail
Quit smashing up cheap furniture while screaming drunken vulgarities

Got tired of angrily denying the guilt after every stupid outburst
One day finally noticed the hurt look in everybody else’s eyes

Decided it might be almost time to start giving an unknown something back
No longer floor the pickup so often just before stopping at that next red light

Cant get excited about buying another new vehicle the way that I used to
Stopped waking up in the night to lose sleep over some nonsense at work

Don’t get so concerned if another woman won’t bother to look at me
Quit laughing at and teasing guys who sit there reading books

Guess I should maybe even start going for walks though I still just can’t quite do it
Don’t find myself half-drunk and angrily shopping at Wal*Mart, late on Christmas eve

Almost stopped to push a broke down carload of illegales off the road
Finally realized it was stupid to load groceries in the backseat of an empty pickup

Started wishing I could have listened if someone had just tried to talk to me
Had just an inkling of regret over all the years of hurried, drunken blurs

Noticed I wasn’t quite as sure of all the answers I had once blurted out so quickly
Found I could actually experience the remorse and regret that I had always laughed at

No longer find it so enjoyable to see a man pounded into unconsciousness
Finally had to admit I really hadn’t wanted my boy to be better than I was

Quit going to work with hangovers and blaming it on hating Mondays
No longer the tough hombre I always vaguely imaged myself as becoming

Stopped trying to invent another way to tell the liberals that I just don’t give a f*k
No longer the man who was only imagining that I was really growing up to be

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