Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Slashing And Burning In God’s Name

Ignoring children born with AIDS while righteously preaching abstinence
Fearing to denounce overpopulation despite the fact it’s at the root of most of our problems

Labeling alcohol, tobacco and gambling as evils but depending upon their tax receipts
Spending millions to market Viagra but not funding such as malaria research

Praising technology while politicizing science and outsourcing engineering
Mouthing family values from inside the pocket of the rich and the corporate

Watching women carry water in plastic jugs on TV while wasting so much on over-fertilized lawns
Calling for peace while being the world’s largest arms salesman

Paying corporate farms not to produce corn for cows or ethanol while malnutrition grows overseas
Idling in air-conditioned traffic jams for hours while the permafrost belches methane

Preaching democratic values while propping up corrupt and totalitarian dictatorships
Declaring the equality of all men though we practice a rigged Social Darwinism here at home

Labeling others nakedly aggressive but ourselves as preemptively-defensive, heroic liberators
Exporting our pollution and packaging where enforcement is lax and slave labor flourishes

Calling ourselves leaders as we gushily mouth the policies of our donor corporations
Extolling logic, reason and hi-tech with nose down & eyes closed in literal evangelical faith

Scrambling to downsize and outsource for bonuses while praising our beloved Human Element
Demonstrating our proud patriotic sacrifice with plastic flag decals on our imported cars

Preaching the sanctity of life while abandoning single-parent children to multi-generational poverty
Craftily greenwashing antiquated, polluting coal technology into a clean & proven alternative

Enjoying nature shouting to overcome your screaming speedboat, ATV, jet ski or snowmobile
Slashing workers and benefits simply to raise stock prices and earn a even bigger bonus

Denying every charge with still more lies until the truth is finally out and it all caves in
Spending 20 times as much per year on a prisoner as for a student

Selling us on nature’s beauty while bulldozing it away with a desperate greed
Driving to the health club to page thru magazines on an electric treadmill

Marketing a 300 horsepower hybrid SUV as an environmentally friendly & economical alternative
Portraying environmental sustainability as a threat to our noble Traditional Family Values

Exchanging reasoned debate for the angry and loud repetition of exaggerated corporate sound bites
Focusing on this quarters GDP while letting the Multi-Nationals chart our future by their bonuses

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