Thursday, September 16, 2010

Get Rich Quick...Destroy The Future

Help me make sense of this thing called progress that you say we are making
Take me with you as you run all the oh-so complex numbers of your pathetic spreadsheets

I want to fully experience the passion of your flag-waving, gun-toting workers
Let me feel their heartfelt patriotism and deep pride in bulldozing one more unprofitable meadow

Explain how the same smash and grab formula works identically from coast to coast
Tell me of your vision for a future…beyond this next development

Help me understand why your plans always seem aimed at producing more filthy gridlock
How is getting rich quick and getting out fast yielding our planet a sustainable future?

Give me the wonder drug that removes this dystopian vision from my mind
Do you really prefer cheap modular strip malls, concrete and asphalt to trees and farms?

How does it feel to replace a climax forest with low-bid, manufactured housing?
Help me understand why building cheaper and faster really makes things better for us all

If you really are leaders why do you piously intone that you only give the people what they want?
How did the pursuit of happiness twist into this wanton, greedy, institutionalized devastation?

How good does it feel buy their land after your speculation has jacked up the property taxes?
You claim to lead us on, so please just stop for a moment...and tell us where are we going

Help me understand the master plan behind your next quarterly profit projection
Help us going forward as we try to build upon your deconstructionist legacy

Why do the young feel empty and alienated, suffocating in your sterile planned communities?
How can a lasting society be founded upon short-term, individual blind greed?

Paint me the bigger picture that I might draw comfort from your self-professed competence
Show me it’s not just about your fragile ego and the striking of meaningless Big Deals

Explain how God created man apart to set us upon the world like starving mad dogs
Why must your expensive, over-fertilized landscapes look so very artificial?

Rationalize and defend this hideous half-urban, fake-rural sprawl
Why must we totally shatter balanced ecosystems just to build places to live?

Show us the bright and lasting vision behind each one of your fabulous but disposable works
Help me understand the pride you feel in your ever-increasing, cancer-like metastization

Outline the moral principles underpinning a life given over to real estate speculation
Prove that pursuing greed auto-magically brings a happiness that is worth other’s dying for

Show me how it’s always morning in America in your vision of an ever brighter future
Tell of your boyish pride in ordering about the huge trucks, mighty bulldozers and dirty men

Don’t you just pave the way for Wal*Mart and McDonald’s to finish the evisceration?
Then, you make even more money selling off the failing small family businesses

When there’s nowhere left to build must they all become ‘Sales Associates’?
Say again how very much you love this place even as yet more ground is broken for your profits

Where are you as the filthy illiterates you hire are leveling the young boys forts?
Isn’t Las Vegas actually the finest example of your true beliefs and your real legacy?

You gushily pimp natural beauty but ignore the noise and traffic of the sprawl you create
Explain how irresponsible quick money serves your True Conservative vision of a proper society

Why must the same tacky shit be ‘Coming Soon’ to every brand new street corner?
Help me to see myself in this mirror which you have shattered all over the broken ground

How do you sell off ancient wetlands destroyed forever in a month with a bright smile?
Are you demonstrating your deep wisdom with these new clothes and cosmetic surgery?

Why must you look out over endless roofs to newly-cleared prairie and salivate with anticipation?
Describe how your grasping avarice is simultaneously patriotic, religious and fulfilling

Do you feel safe hiding behind the perverted gospel of man’s greedy dominion over the earth?
Tell of your earnest but frustrating efforts to find dependable and cheap but illegal labor

Teach me how you routinely fail to mention known deal-breaking issues to prospective buyers
Grant me the unquestioning blind faith in your own avarice that fuels your febrile industry

Show me how you plead ignorance and forget to get back to me on important questions
Bring me up to speed on the new extra charges presented straight-faced at the hurried closings

Tell me about the deserved survival of the greediest and smarmiest and the most ruthless
Write down all the details so that those to come can marvel at your wisdom...and avoid it

Make the simple case again for jobs and money overriding their supporting natural systems
Create the soothing street names that support the mirage of our instant family values

Get your indoor tan, watch your diet and keep your tinted windows all the way up
Ignore the oily burden that your new parking lots flush into the streams you had channelized

May you find the real meaning to all your deals, as you lay dying in your own wastes
Yes, and may they bulldoze your graves, as well, making way for more new convenience stores

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