Friday, September 24, 2010

Finally Lost My Wack Libtard Idealism

Lost sight of the person I once had wanted to become
Got comfortable with seeing bulldozers roaring everywhere I went
Got used to living in a greedy plastic land of marketing make believe

Gave up on those homemade, love-based, back-to-the-land, juvenile delusions
Forgot completely about swimming in clean water anymore in the summer
Grew able to ignore the polluted air since I was always behind dirty windows

Lost connection to the land but tuned into the stock markets
Came out of the forest and became a temporary stain on the pavement
Stopped looking for some small-footprint, self-sustaining lifestyle

Lost sight of the ideals that were instilled in me so long ago
Grew to find happiness in buying cheap new imports and saving nothing
Quit walking in the woods but made new trails with my noisy dirt bike

Learned to look for speculative potential behind all undeveloped land
Adopted a conservatism which promotes exploitation in all directions
Surrendered happily to every childish urge presented by the media

Succumbed to a fantasy lifestyle financed by expensive credit cards
Gradually lost empathy with the poor and totally forgot the underprivileged
No longer plant trees on Earth Day but I do know which SUV has more horsepower

Lost sight of happiness in the endless rush after pleasures I never remember
Look right on thru the endless suffering of my less successful brothers
Don’t worry about safe, homemade, organic food cause I eat out all the time

Forgot how to think critically and do not listen to that quiet voice inside me anymore, either
Don’t care that I lost track of the cycles of the moon and the seasons
Remain ignorant of science but freely quote from hundreds of Hollywood releases

Gave up on the redwoods and no longer fear for the baby seals
Let the rain forests go and what good, really, were those polar bears anyway?
Not going back to the land except on my powerful overpriced and financed OHV

No longer question the morality of war if our born-again leaders find it necessary
Quit worrying about a planet that I do not own and cannot control
learned to overlook my extra 25 pounds, double chin and metabolic syndrome

Found it so much easier swimming deep inside the school rather than against the tide
Gave my children everything in hopes they would always find me cool
Spend thousands on an illusion that I am not like those who came before me

Lost sight of the person that I had wanted to become when I finally grew up
Barely notice that I stay at work too long and commute way too far
Gave up any sense of responsibility for leaving behind a better world

Find it easy to sit semi-comatose flipping channels instead of reading books
Narrowed a broad curiosity into eToy price comparisons and stock watching
Haven’t taken up a new sport or picked up an old one since I don’t want to know when

No longer strive for a mystical connection to any land, weather or animals
Don’t really recognize the person in any of my old pictures
Sometimes try to consider what I might have thought of my new self, way back then

Caught up in watering, poisoning, fertilizing and mowing the stupid grass I so detested
Grew embarrassed of recycling when my Conservative betters deemed it a sign of weakness
Foolishly dress like a ‘Professional’ to keep a job I actually loathe very much

Don’t bother checking miles per gallon or tailpipe emissions but I know my 0 to 60 times
Quit worrying where the food comes from or where the garbage goes
Forgot about acid rain, global warming, overpopulation and toxic chemicals

Convinced now that greed is enshrined in our infallible constitution and the holy bible
Trying to make a difference no longer keeps me awake in the night
Long ago put down the musical instrument I once found so important

Wake up with thoughts of who I must backstab at work instead of who I should try to be
Quit living in the moment and simply work for short, mindless breaks
Never walk quietly and all alone in the moonlight anymore

Lost sight of all the reasons I once had to strive for a better world
Focused quite clearly on myself and what the kids want right now
Sometimes wonder who this person is that I married so long ago

Grown quite accustomed to the sight of miles of brand new and identical Burbs
Content with family adventure at some new and distant shopping mall
Anti-depressants and alcohol help to smooth out the bumps and the glitches

Feel cheated cause I didn’t spend hours at electronic games like my kids get to do
Accepted Jesus as my personal savior and abdicated all of my rational responsibility
No longer see well enough to scan those far off horizons for spiritual clues

Don’t bother to stop for the rainbows I only see now through my bug-splattered windshield
Look forward to salty snacks snatched from cellophane bags
Use my remaining thinking skills to analyze overblown corporate sporting events

Pretend to look rich to those just like me on vacations none of us can actually afford
Dress up like an outlaw on my financed Harley on weekends, insured by the AARP
Expect to maintain my accustomed lifestyle from the Social Security I so richly deserve

Paid off my credit cards again by cashing out more unearned home equity, then filed Chapter 7
Made big money cashing out my home & leaving the community my kids can’t afford to live in
Lost sight of the great wheel and was to quickly thrown off the corporate merry-go-round

Don’t feel like that aging person I don’t recognize in unexpected glances in mirrors
Am not a litterbug but don’t recycle since it doesn’t really matter
Love my second home but am mildly appalled by habitat destruction

Take fashion cues from my kids marketers, adding lame twists of my own
Quite often need a morning Ibuprofen just from sleeping wrong
Don’t walk the sidewalks anymore for fear of being seen as squishy

Financed a new and bigger house after the kids simply ruined the old one
Plumbers and electricians, roofers and carpenters make me uneasy
No longer unaware of a tee shirt in which the sweat has dried in its place

My search of the unknowable ended in small tithes and a blind trust in Jesus
Staunched my bleeding heart with a swab of Social Darwinism
Now we pull together with the tough love of compassionate conservatism

All the attractive women call me Sir and recommend what their fathers like for me
Spent the money my parents left me on a facelift and a new sports sedan
Found some drawings I once made but quickly regained my petty focus

Lost sight of stars that had guided me, but not just because of all the light pollution
No longer see important images in those great western skies
Now prefer the non-stop, empty din of the media to culturing peaceful silence within

Would not mind seeing all that empty wilderness if I did not have to walk to get there
Lay in bed trying to figure out how I can make all that money I need real quick
Learned that if I cannot really afford it, at least I can still put it on the credit card

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