In god’s name we strap on explosives and blow ourselves to
bloody pieces
worker’s buses and trendy restaurants
With god’s blessing we plant millions of land mines
throughout the countryside
To mutilate
peaceful farmers, gentle oxen and little children
As god watches over us we dutifully follow His wise edicts
And perform
horrific atrocities upon animals prior to consuming them
According to god’s will we keep the women ignorant and cover
up their faces
nonetheless we count upon them to raise our children in the proper way
Through faith in god we find the strength to face our
heathen enemies
We kill them
safely in the knowledge that He is on our side
In god’s name we build the nuclear bombs and the chemical
Thus, we do
to exact the terrible vengeance that He demands
With god’s blessing we murder those from sects closely
related to our own
For ours is a
jealous god who calls upon us to exact His bloody vengeance
As god watches over us we teach our children to hate and
then to kill
So that they
may carry on the mission to which we alone have been assigned
According to god’s will we swear death to all the infidels
And such acts
of violence will earn each of us a place in heaven
Through faith in god and via endless repetition
We learn to
accept unspeakable acts that others cannot condone
In god’s name we extol the poor to follow rules revealed to
only his followers
And quiet
them with magical ceremonies, threats and empty promises of salvation
With god’s blessing we foul the air, muddy the waters and
extract the minerals
And as we
leave, we exude a wondrous but totally false sense of moral rectitude
As god watches over us we listen carefully to our hearts for
His good counsel
Thusly, are
we absolved of any culpability in all decisions civic and governmental
According to god’s will the tsunami was unleashed upon those
foul sinners
And its
inscrutable message forges our unquestioned loyalty ever stronger
Through faith in god we find the purity of our hatred for
the evil enemy
Then we are
free to let our washed hands be the instrument of His plans
In god’s name do we withhold funds that might be used for
For god tells
us that sinful fornication should become virtuous abstinence
With god’s blessing we condemn to hell the homosexuals and
the masturbators
The lesbians
and the divorcees, even as the pedophiles still do His chosen work
As god watches over us we direct freedom upon its bloody
And proclaim
to one and all that they must be either with us or against us
According to god’s will we rape the wilderness so that we
can drive to the mall
There to
purchase the fruits of subhuman foreign slave labor for next to nothing
Through faith in god we gain the strength to pursue our
pointless greed
Freed by
moral strictures to waste and ruin and then to walk away in grace
In god’s name we spend those trillions on our so-called
national defense
To force an
abject and inhuman lifestyle upon foreign religious fanatics
With god’s blessing we seek to remove the blasphemy of
science from our schools
Under His
watchful eye we substitute memorized scripture for scientific method
As god watches over each of us we all know Him intimately as
our personal savior
And with a
vast relief do we cast aside the great burden of our reason
According to god’s will we must march ever forward, never
looking back
Fortified by
the pabulum of the priests, the chosen herd is led to heaven
Through faith in god we find the will to impose our revealed
truth upon all others
To smash the
devil’s armies whose fanatical teachings we rightfully oppose
In god’s name we vow to destroy all the works of the great
By remaining
true to the vision the one great god has shared with us alone
With god’s blessing we proclaim our people’s duty to slay
every one of his enemies
Using any means at hand, anywhere, without
regard for age or sex or color
As god watches over us we enjoy the moral freedom granted to
us as his chosen people
We lay it all
off into His hands and sleep so very soundly every night
According to god’s will we permit garbage and cast-off filth
to fill the land
And the earth
that sustains us to be destroyed for families, jobs and money
Through faith in god we find answers to the questions that
we are afraid to ask
fortified we lower our heads and let our precious moments pass
In god’s name do we condemn the clerics whose holy fatwas
rail against us
While seeking
to control the godless demon that is modern science
With god’s blessing do we cut the programs for the poor and
the environment
spending more for killing and granting further advantage to the rich
As god watches over us we are content to trust in Him alone
to show us the way
Secure that
our blind faith directs our march ever on to an eternal grace
According to god’s will we deem the corporations fit to rule
behind the scenes
Yet we ask
them not for wisdom but to mind the bottom line
Through faith in god we internalize the growing
contradictions that beset us
As we ride in
air-conditioned comfort past our brother’s squalid shacks
In god’s name we gerrymander voting districts to ensure our
ongoing control
While the
brooding mullahs appoint cronies in their own awful theocracies
With god’s blessing we mutely condone the unending crimes
going on in Africa
demonstrate our own moral superiority by torturing unlawful combatants
As god watches over us we place more and more black men in
bigger prisons
Stirring them
together to learn violence, crime, hatred and addiction
According to god’s will we reject world treaties on land
mines, chemical weapons
warming, women and children’s rights and a world court
Through faith in god we encourage cheap imports that destroy
our factory jobs
Even as we
subsidize the outsourcing of all forms of intellectual labor
In god’s name we spy,conceal, cover up and spin to further
our blessed struggle
spotlighting phony bogeymen designed to divert attention from real issues
With god’s blessing do we subject research findings to
twisted political catchphrases
And dismiss
or silence those within the ranks who dare to speak against us
As god watches over us we calmly listen to our hearts after
talking to our donors
their decisions absolutely free of any nagging afterthoughts
According to god’s will a government is by the rich, of the
rich, and for the rich
And his
blessings trickle down through the sewer grates to the filthy masses
Through faith in god we ignore overpopulation and
environmental destruction
To focus on
abortion, obscenity, phantom WMDs and the sanctity of marriage
In god’s name we pay the mighty corporations to build more
and bigger weapons
While leaving
increasing millions each year without any health care
With god’s blessing we spend today and leave the bills to
the future
Using up our
resources and raising children to live in ignorance and debt
As god watches over us we spend a trillion dollars to set a
people free
And when it
rains now in their capital, raw sewage fills their ravaged streets
According to god’s will we censor carefully the news from
the front
horrific images that might upset the gently clucking flock
Through faith in god we see beyond our crack-infested and
rotting ghettos
To the
shining and safely barred havens of that one percent who rule
In god’s name we renounce the fuzzy thinking behind
so-called global warming
And leap
straight from scientific uncertainty to the safe & literal truth of
With god’s blessing India competes with China to have the
largest population
And names its
holy nuclear missiles after Shiva, their god of destruction
As god watches over us we craft ourselves warm and folksy
images to gain their votes
Then raise
their taxes, export their jobs and mortgage their degraded futures
According to god’s will we forge our holy unilateral
international policies
Telling our
brothers that they are either with us or against us
Through faith in god we are able to will ourselves to accept
on faith alone
Those awful
things that happen that no religion can explain
In god’s name do we go forth to endlessly multiply our
Safe in the
knowledge that the earth was created as our domain alone
With god’s blessing we cover our women’s faces, keep them
their movements, prohibit their voting and keep them ever pregnant
As god watches over us we calmly ignore impending fuel
scarcity, soil degradation, heavy metals and ceaseless heat
According to gods will we strap on bombs full of nails and
To maim the
enemy in his home and assure ourselves a place in heaven
Through faith in god the young boys and the widows are drawn
into our churches
Where those
pledged to serve him take them carnally at His pleasure
In god’s name we franchise our religions which compete like
soft drink companies
For a
tax-deductible weekly tithe they guarantee will ensure eternal salvation
With god’s blessing we sit alone in 3 ton vehicles stalled
in traffic jams
consuming fast food as smarmy salesmen ceaselessly hold forth
As god watches over us we grind the sweet earth into a
sewage ridden muck
pursuing forgotten goals which long ago stopped making sense
According to god’s will we need only listen to His voice
from within our hearts
To live
righteously and in piety without fear of His, the only, recrimination
Through faith in god we see our way clear to sanction
genocide and plague
Standing up
for the rights of the unborn while denying them a decent future
In god’s name we spend good money to try and stop the sin
called prostitution
Even as we
ignore those teenage mothers who bear more of the little hookers
With god’s blessing we cleanse our consciences and are
filled with righteousness
great duplicities in the name of any of the many one true saviors
As god watches over us we stupefy our children with legal
prescription drugs
Then wonder
why they sit passively in silence, before electronic altars
According to god’s will other children die quickly from
drinking sewage water
Or slowly
waste away from tuberculosis or malaria, aided by malnutrition
Through faith in god we overcome the overwhelming
contradictions of our lives
Freed from
contemplation of the infinite, the unknowable and the void
In god’s name we kill the infidels as they gather to
celebrate their heathen idols
We die with
His name upon our smiling lips, confident in our just salvation
With god’s blessing our sons and daughters are disfigured by
improvised explosives
that their placement is an act of the ultimate in religious faith
As god watches over us we trash the almost-new and litter
the half-consumed
millions elsewhere make their living pawing through toxic garbage dumps
According to god’s will, icecaps melt, the heat increases and
the droughts go on
Verily, we
fear no evil though His ways remain to us a sacred mystery
Through faith in god we are granted the courage of our
convictions, right or wrong
And as faith
requires, hold fast our beliefs no matter suffering or evidence
In god’s name we bless the plastic explosives and the rigged
up cellular phones
Asking Him to
permit us be the instrument of His will upon this earth
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