Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cowardly Wacko Questions Defense Spending

Why is our military spending more than all the other countries combined
Is it any wonder they all view us as reckless, ignorant, evangelical cowboys

Why does every single politician fear being labeled as soft on defense
Where is the conservatives outcry over this runaway criminal arms gravytrain

Why do we need a multi-billion dollar space-based missile defense system...
When the roads, bridges, plumbing and schools are falling apart in our town

How come we need more squadrons of $80,000,000 fighter jets...
If there are not enough helicopters here at home during natural disasters

Why must we be prepared to engage two conventional enemies at once...
Given the fact that there is not even one conventional enemy to fight

How is it we spend a trillion$ just to strengthen terrorists in oil-rich states...
But we let our own children grow up ignorant, obese, amoral and uninsured

What kind of sense does it make to spend 500 times more on arms than energy research...
since the military machine runs on fuel imported from potential enemies

What preposterous logic makes defense spending a non-discretionary item
Where is that pure child who stands up and says the military king is naked

How do we manage to spend half a trillion per year with annual increases...
But still need those extra hundred someodd billion to kill a so-called few dead-enders

Why must we cut social spending to pay off unfunded and unfair tax cuts...
Where is that single political voice asking instead to cut out some of that huge military tumor

Where did all that money go if the Humvees have no armor
Why do our combat soldiers wind up buying their own survival equipment

Who made unquestioned arms spending the most basic form of patriotism
Is it really Jesus who whispers that we need to dole out more military contracts

Where is there a reasoned debate over the sanity of this criminal largesse
Why is the military-industrial complex the most powerful force in our land

How is it that only wackos and cowards call for examining defense spending
How can arms money always be spent so wisely if social programs are always so wasteful

What sense does it make for us to pay to be the world’s policeman...
While other countries invest money in their economies and education

With all that money why must our war wounded fight for their health care
With all of our military hightech, why are we at the mercy of simple homemade bombs

What would Ben Franklin say about our bloated defense procurements
Why are Fiscally Conservative hawks so free-spending with unaudited cost-plus military contracts

Who infused politicians with the mortal fear of questioning any military outlay
Does our wrathful God really demand this bloated annual tithe of blood money

Could there possibly be just a little greed and gain behind this holy patriotism
Isn’t it really an insider’s game and a well-oiled con played with a wink and a nod

Why is this metastasizing catastrophic malignancy so universally accepted
How insecure would we really be if we simply cut our defense spending in half

How come we spend billions yet bogeymen in sandals living in caves still taunt us
Why do we need bunker busters if we cannot defend ourselves against crude IEDs

Why not train soldiers in our revered christian practices along with death and destruction
How about spending a thousandth of the killing budget on research to end war

How long before you outsource military technology and entire infantry platoons
How can history judge this feverish and unquestioned build up in a kindly fashion

Are we driven by extreme paranoia or is it just a sick attempt to control the world
Which way does our moral compass actually point if weapons are our largest exports

How are uncontrolled defense outlays really so unlike failed liberal social policies
Why is it unpatriotic and cowardly to question the ever-increasing spending

Why aren’t new missiles debated on costs and benefits just like pollution rules
Why does the military pay hyper-inflated prices to a greedy mafia of corporate oligarchs

How do you feel as you explain your military policies to groups of children
Are these really matters of national security or simply criminal concealment

Who will design your next generation of killing and destroying apparatus...
Since you have cut education funds to pay for bullets, hardware and bodies

Does our personal relationship with Christ really demand so much blood sacrifice...
Or has Satan deceived us into sinful deficit spending on death and destruction

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