Thursday, September 9, 2010

Praised Be Our Corpro-Political Theocracy

I finally begin to realize, It was me who never knew what I was talking about
Those wiser and more powerful have gotten us where we are today
I should trust in their will to lead us ever on, exactly as they have so far

I lack their vision and perspective on the bigger world at large
They have long experience in the simplification of our complex issues
I need to better appreciate the valuable solutions that they are bringing to the table

I was so wrong to brand them as short-sighted and reactionary
Our great leaders remove the burden of our own interests from our shoulders
At last I begin to see how very much they must sacrifice to guide us forward

For such a long time I dismissed them as smarmy, self-serving hypocrites
The wisdom of those noble captains of industry was too subtle for me
But now I see how they watch over us with our glorious God behind them

For selfish reasons I could not open up my heart in acceptance of their policies
Their patient mercy remained, nonetheless, quietly unperturbed
Slowly my heart turned towards them, like a small houseplant to good sunlight

In my darkness I heard only petty politics and slickly-vapid sales soundbites
The jewels of meaning in their pithy pronouncements escaped me
Finally I am able to stop listening and begin to simply absorb their real message

I thought they had no real love for Jesus but merely wished to win our votes
Now I know they speak directly to me via a fundamentalist personal savior
I finally learned to listen to our Lord through the wisdom He reveals to our leaders

I always respected scientists and thought the scientific method yielded progress
Our leaders have unmasked their fuzzy thinking and junk math at last
Now I see that global warming is merely a scam and evolution is still just a theory

Like a fool I always thought we should design and build things here at home
Stalwart corporate captains have exposed the error in such thinking
Outsourcing saves us money and frees us up for the new and better jobs to come

For too long I viewed abortion as a fairly unimportant and very personal issue
evangelical conservatives have raised my beliefs to a higher moral plane
Abortion is a linchpin in our struggle for traditional faith-based values

It took so long to overcome a foolish belief that health care is not a product
Far-seeing pundits have eviscerated this nonsense from my mind
We enjoy the greatest choices and 50M of us can choose any ER that they wish

Whatever made me believe that the entire rest of the world might often be right
Through faith in God and staying on message, Praise Jesus, now I see
A trillion dollars is a but small price to pay to give the terrorists an oil-rich caliphate

Poisoned by the rhetoric of the liberals, I hugged trees and hated pig farms
Bible study, Fox and Breitbart have shown me the light
Their Healthy Forests and Clear Skies Initiative steer us toward a better future

I sinned in thinking tax cuts for corporations and the rich were wrong
Their extra money trickling down into the Meth labs lights the proper path
Twangy macho posturing is enough to earn the squalid faith of the proudly-ignorant

I was mistaken to believe that sucking up is not a required professional skill
Being kicked down by fawners, however, did not advance my career
Unctuous backbiters succeed famously in our business and political arenas

I was tricked by that new age Satan into a belief that all life forms are equal
The teaching of fundamentalist scholars has opened my eyes at last
Man alone was formed in God’s image and animals were put here simply for our use

Misled by the Devil I drove small cars and bought castoffs at the thrift stores
Through the miracle of advertising Televangelism I have been reborn
Now I toss my frozen chicken tenders into the back seat of my giant empty pickup truck

It was with a false righteousness that I recycled the things I had used at home
I have learned that my small role is best played out down at our shopping malls
Doing more with less is merely a personal virtue, certainly of dubious value

I remember fretting needlessly over mercury and lead levels in our children
Thank heaven now I see the light of relaxed emission standards & Clean Coal
I just keep the power windows up and leave the air-conditioner running full time at home

For too long during that unhappy time I felt that massive deficits were wrong
Now the miracle of supply-side economics has been revealed to me
Decreased taxes and massive military spending will build a brighter future for us lowlifes

Sinner that I was, I believed the herb to be less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes
Harsh sentencing penned up with hardened criminals finally taught me better
Raising money through regulation would lead us all to a hard drug perdition

At last my eyes are opened to the deceitful siren song of that vast liberal media conspiracy
Freed at last from the ranks of those yellow, zombie one-worlders
Praise be to our personal savior speaking to us through our great corporate theocracy

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