Friday, November 7, 2014

May our toxic wastes always flow downstream

Lord help the wise executives grow richer faster, independent of profit or loss
Grant society beer, crack and heroin for those mired forever in poverty
Jesus let the desperate addict find something he can steal to trade for a fix
May young, promiscuous HIV-positive males have unprotected sex for years
God see that we blame natural disasters on the wickedness of the unsaved
Bring us new forms of violent entertainment to prepare us for further wars
Christ let the politicians always keep the public firmly convinced and slightly uneasy
Take away these baseless fears of wacko fictional environmental catastrophes

Lord help the lazy, stupid, ignorant and nasty hold on to protected jobs
Grant the spiritually handicapped noisy gas-powered access to thy forests
Jesus let us ignore any ideas which conflict with our own steadfast beliefs
May our toxic wastes always flow downstream, never to be seen again
God see that all the potheads go to jail and get used to bending over
Bring the petty thieves opportunity to Christmas gifts to steal for their children
Christ let the Meth labs flower in trailers throughout our rural landscapes
Take away the security cameras and welcome the looters to the liquor sections

Lord help the drunken driver survive smashing a busload of pre-schoolers
Grant impoverished slum dwellers burned-off squatter plots in virgin rainforests
Jesus let the rich gain entry to heaven by making weekly indulgence payments
May foreign languages blossom among us, fostering hatred and distrust
God see that victim’s live in shame and perpetrators retain all their rights
Bring the old to the casinos and relieve them of their nest eggs under glitzy lights
Christ let the brave managers find cheaper workers somewhere overseas
Take away the notion that healthcare is a right, outside of the free market

Lord help the poachers find and kill the last rhinos, elephants and tigers
Grant the poor access to liquor, drugs, tobacco, gambling, fat, sugar, salt and religion
Jesus let incompetent builders and shiftless construction workers rain progress upon us
May seniors be forced to sell to developers due to inflated property taxes
God see that frugality and conservation remain viewed only as squishy, goo-goo BS
Bring us foreign investment that we may maintain our negative savings rate lifestyles
Christ let our children find an arrogant pride in their now-inescapable ignorance
Take back those solemn promises and, with a wistful sadness, call it God’s Will

Lord help the chefs cook the next trendy seafood as the latest goes extinct
Grant that AIDS orphans can be profitably kidnapped into slavery and prostitution
Jesus let overcrowded migrant cities sprout with no water, sewers or building codes
May some lovely songbirds deliver us thy plague on a stupendously modern scale
God see the world suffering and offer us but simple, mind-numbing catechisms
Let the poor go so far as to mutilate themselves so that they can improve their begging
Christ let the icecaps melt and we will tritely invoke your mysterious ways in explanation
May we prevail in a righteousness that we grant only to ourselves, in thy holy name

Grant us a blind, unyielding and merciless faith

Lord help us to ignore anything that contradicts our righteous visions
Grant us a blind, unyielding and merciless faith that we so seek in thee
Jesus give us time to fulfill our implanted dreams of hyper-consumption
Keep our leaders free from the constraints of reason, logic and good sense
God see that according to thy will we strike down the wicked infidel fanatics
Bring us peace as we lay waste to their sin-ridden cities and fields
Christ, let the priests explain away natural disasters and childhood deaths
Take away our fear and wonder and sustain us on a stale and moldy faith

Lord help the single, teenage mother to party on and be impregnated again
Grant us the ability to ignore how they must live - as we are driving by
Jesus give us the strength to carry all our extra fat way over to the couch
May we barter our reason for media babble taken with quantities of sweet or salty snacks
God see that we always demand bigger vehicles with more powerful engines
Bring the rich lower taxes, import cheap goods and export middle-class jobs
Christ let avaricious suckups and backbiting kick-downers keep masquerading as leaders
Take care of all those fathers who abandon their children without any support

Lord help the congressmen redistrict each and every voting region to their full advantage
Grant us the wisdom to cut the old growth timber and to drain unproductive wetlands
Jesus give us the petroleum for our humvees, jets and black helicopters
May thy name be upon our lips as our swinish lifestyles overtake us at last
God see that we continue never to look back with any regrets or apologies
Bring us thy thick-necked police bullies who are merely enforcing the law
Christ may the doctor work swiftly that he does not miss his tee time
Take back any guilt, remorse or shame we might accidentally feel

Lord help the children to understand and accept their reduced lots in life
Grant us new drugs that we might eat like pigs but still remain quite thin
Jesus lend us your strength to bludgeon the infidels with thy heavy holy cross
May we always have a terrible bogeyman with which to frighten our people
God see that sexual predators work in the nursing homes where we dump our Mothers
Bring us taxable vices for the masses and clever loopholes for the rich
Christ let entrepreneurs in need be able to grease the proper official’s sweaty palms
Take away our worries and fears that we may serve thee with blind faith, free of doubt

Lord help the suicide bombers to detonate near many unwary civilians
Grant the greedy African dictators more aid to siphon off to themselves and their cronies
Jesus give them the docility never to question our virtuous leaders
May the multinationals come to control all commerce and chart out every lifestyle
God see that violent criminals perfect their heinous crafts and addictions in our prisons
Bring us blindness as to where our water comes from and our garbage goes
Christ give unmarried great grand-daughters of single mothers their own bastard children
Take away our foolish worries over environmentally-induced diseases

Lord Help The Rapists

Lord help the rapists to avoid their occasional pangs of guilt
Grant inner calm to the armed robbers and the burglars of the night
Jesus grant the vicious young murderers yet a third second chance
May there be mercy for the drug dealers as they just go about their jobs
God see that the unrepentant alcoholics get yet another binge
Bring a peaceful blindness to those who voluntarily choose not to see
Christ, let the persecuted pedophiles find succor in thy love
Take away the environmental issues which stymie our economic progress

Lord help the vapid salesman quickly waste his unearned income
Grant peace to those who cunningly fleece the elderly and disabled
Jesus give that sweaty, smelly Meth head one more runup on that Crank
May there be mercy for angry boyfriends even as they shake those tiny infants
God see that the gang bangers continue killing each other, each and every day
Keep reason away from those who take such loud pride in their ignorance
Christ, let the rich stay quite safely locked away and keep the poor in their places
Take away political scruples that they may fervently beat the big lies into a glorious truth

Lord help the remorseful gambler build up yet another stake to lose
Grant us abundant cheap liquor and drugs for the homeless in their filthy alleys
Jesus give the campaign contributing military contractor another bloated, no-bid contract
May the workaholic finish just one more task before falling over dead on the way home
God see that the innocent children continue to die without any reason except by your will
Bring the slick pimps more lost young women to charm, drug, abuse and enslave
Christ, let the developers fulfill their greedy dystopian vision from sea to sea
Take away this foolish liberal whining over pristine lands and forest creatures

Lord help the swindlers find greedy marks with timely, new and better scams
Grant restful slumber to those we send off to kill foreign civilians to keep us safe
Jesus give us the hubris to proceed in our folly despite all this conflicting evidence
May the pornographers find more ways to inflame our insatiable appetites
God see that the amoral coyotes find safe desert places to abandon silent illegale victims
Bring us grisly disasters upon which the wicked can swoop to prey
Christ, let the handicapped continue accepting their lot in patient silence
Take away our common sense that we once more foolishly invest only to lose again

Lord help the dirty, old hooker entrap yet another lonely, drunken john
Grant that all ruthless, absolute dictators die peacefully in their sleep
Jesus, give the assassin good timing and a steady hand
May we not need worry at all until it is so late we can rest assured that it cannot be helped
God, see that we never forget that in your image we stand apart from nature
Please hurry with this mass extinction so we can get on with our lives in peace
Christ, let the weak and poor continue to find their only hope in you through us, your vessels
Take away their reason that they may meekly accept their filthy lot in blind faith

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Tao Of Righteous Destruction And Glorious Slaughter

We know no better...
A soldier impales himself in a pit of bamboo spikes smeared with feces
A government spends billions to build things meant only to destroy

Boys are taught to kill like true professionals and to die honorably together
Houses are burned, children are orphaned and crops are not sown

Invisible heroes rain drone destruction from thousands of miles away in safety
Improvised explosive devices shatter tough young faces

Generations of work is turned into rubble and leaders read stirring speeches well
Young girls must learn prostitution instead of doing schoolwork

Grandmothers sob dirty channels into their cheeks in rags, amid devastation
Now the people have been committed and unquestioned support is required

All our precious resources are poured into the creation of destruction
Soldiers absorb lasting images of all kinds of death in quick, stray glances

Plants, animals and ecosystems are senseless by-kill of the blinded carnage
The opposition is demonized and the people whipped into a vengeful frenzy

Rape and looting are, all too often, the first spoils of the victorious
Infrastructure is destroyed to deny them water, food and warmth

As he retreats the cunning opponent destroys everything in sight
The wise conqueror also decrees a scorched earth policy as he advances

Many years later simple farmers lose their legs to forgotten landmines
The dead and unmoving become another part of the filth of mass destruction

All too often innocent victims plead and scream, asking merely why
God is forsaken by those who realize that such folly knows no reason

And as their insides mingle with the mud their eyes still search for something
No one can stop these things, they say, for it is simply human nature

Men with grotesque wounds have not the sense to remain quite still
The enemy shouts in a harsh foreign tongue filled with evil overtones

Jesus gains more followers praying for his mercy as their brothers fall beside them
We must destroy the enemy homeland that is also part of our own one and only blue earth

A soldier spots a child’s doll, face down and crushed beneath a tank tread
Grimly marching on, he briefly loses track of his duty at the sight

The children do not go to school or eat enough to grow up strong and smart
Refugees stumble exhaustedly onward in a daze that began unimaginably long ago

Fresh screams again pierce the silence which follows yet another huge explosion
          Birds no longer nest and soldiers crouch to piss and shit in deathly fear

The helpless and the evil are destroyed right along with the innocent and the wicked
          And all those who remain must ask why it is they, themselves, who are still alive

Soldiers grow ill in winter, always marching with frozen feet and hands
          Their blood freezes, mixing with dirt and snot upon their uniforms

Women sleep in barns as the society they knew crumbles all around them
          They are raped and beaten in revenge for the horrible acts of other men

Dehydrated, hungry mothers try to nurse the sickly wartime sons of rape
          Dogs and horses are shot and eaten whenever they are seen

Wise generals may spare cathedrals in praise of the god who lets this happen
          Noble leaders will spread any lies required to maintain the mass psychosis

Families and economies and universities and minorities be fully damned
          Everyone must pull together in the glorious and holy name of this destruction

The enemy would eat our children alive and our leader rides a great white horse
          Every soldier would rather be at home in peace, but yet, they will always fight

As the next young recruit loses consciousness, finally just asking why
          Far away one more child is orphaned and another mother gets a flag

Minerals and capital are expended at even more profligate and wasteful rates
          The ravenous machines of death and ruin must be fed once again

Toothless grandfathers are merely clubbed aside with heavy rifle butts
          Brave pilots vaporize milk factories with the blessings of their nation

Exhausted and confused in a hostile land, marine shoots a begging woman
          Official press releases unwaveringly show the progress of our side

Military leaders study and practice conquering and killing their whole lives
          War is always the last option but is always the first placed upon the table

Generals are trained not to concern themselves with the reasons for their orders
          Politicians demand solutions and, of course, the military can always produce a plan

Kill, poison and lay waste in the name of freedom, peace and security
          It is our monstrous creation arising from science, religion and politics

Leave the doddering priests and lying politicians to rationalize and explain
          They shall vilely call upon the people for patriotism and faith in god’s unknowable will

Enshrine a tradition of killing and dying with even heavier funding, every year
          Ennoble painful death in dirty, far-off lands for the common man cannon fodder

Teach the little boys to fight and to hate and of the glory that is war
          Strip the young man’s identity until he gladly dies as part of a killing unit

Always promote some bogeyman who would soon destroy their families
          Sanitize, censor and spin the news from the far-off front

Take the gas from your farmers and have the tanks burn enemy crops
          Secretly monitor your own good citizens and throw the foreigners into camps

Poison and destroy the good green earth that we swear to god we are fighting for
          Spare no treasures to ensure that the hated enemy be vanquished

Honor the crippled veterans once a year and let no one question their noble sacrifice
          Spy upon your allies and be always researching potential war scenarios

Take the dregs and give them guns, build up their pride and send them off
          Teach the officers how to let them die as lamentable but disposable parts of a larger plan

Tell the boys that they can become men through death and destruction
          Leave behind land mines and defoliants and hated bastard spawn

Ignore the baby wrapped comfortably in the dried blood of her mother
          Burn any vegetation that might hide an enemy or shelter little birds

Use prayer as a weapon and a shield and be far too sure of your own one true faith
          View the world with a very simple moral clarity and act as god’s vengeful sword

Let any other pressing issues slide but never permit the war fever to grow cool
          Let the poor go off and die but keep your sons safely home in business school

Foto-Op for ten minutes the friendly wounded in some convenient hospital
          Lobby for ever more spending to protect our brave boys overseas

Take the election contributions from the stouthearted defense industry
          Push fat, no-bid, cost-plus, multiyear contracts back their way

Arouse fears of terrorism to enable the removal of cherished civil rights
          Characterize the brutal, harsh wartime as the country’s finest hour

Maintain a strict, rigid and centralized chain of military command
          But let leaders deny knowledge of atrocities and war crimes committed in the field

Whisper that god is love yet call on him to deliver his divine retribution upon the enemy
          Divert trillions from society only for developing better ways to kill and maim and poison

Have the best engineers use all their cleverness to create machines built only to destroy
          Appropriate the crops to keep the army marching under state control

Publicize rumored atrocities and fabricate unconfirmed reports to leak
          Press the generals for body counts and reclassify your own wounded

Break the enemy’s spirits by destroying the symbols which sustain him
          Dangle beautiful, unreachable women before the rabid, dirty troops in the field

Release touching stories of children born to fathers killed in combat
          Regretfully cut survivors benefits while reducing corporate taxes

Increase domestic surveillance and call for greater sacrifices for our freedom
          Glorify the people’s struggle while callously killing them off like insects

Employ the most gifted advertising firms to produce slick propaganda
          Under-report your casualties and inflate the enemy dead

Be ever on the lookout for homeland treachery and, in the end, trust no one
          Continue sacrificing even in certain defeat merely to satisfy your brutal egos

Make sure the citizens know it is truly black or white, everyone must be for us or against us
          Hide away your millions while demanding ever more from the people

Call the farmers from the fields and send the women to the factories
          Send the priests to the front and let the old men guard the prisoners

Shame and silence the critics who would question our morality and motivation
          Damn the brave suffering of the common man with trite and faintest praise

Wink and nod around the brutal tactics never mentioned to the public
          In the field, do what it takes to stay alive, then lie awake in the night

Smear the mud from your wounds as the morphine starts to take effect
          Try and catch up with jesus jogging with his cross somewhere far ahead

Fall down and do not rise as the enemy comes with bayonets
          Light the bodies soaked with gasoline and get warm by the bonfire

The old soldier sheds a tear as the young man prepares joyfully for his war
          Many years later there is still pain from a foot no longer there

Women cannot grasp why sons they so carefully raised hurry off to kill and die
          I fled with nothing when they came with hatchets and machine guns

They raped my sister and now she and her bastard son are both hated as outsiders
          They are simply animals and it our duty to slaughter every one

The only lesson is that someday strange men will come and burn down your homes
          Try to live in peace but sacrifice the occasional son to a distant war

War is always the last resort but is always the most important option
          Those who would live in peace are but easy targets for potential tyrants

Even when not fighting we ravage this good earth, but with war we do it so much better
          One simple lesson every generation learns is that we love to kill anything which moves

Sometimes we fight for generations and successive brutal monarchs
          The very young can easily be warped and drugged into killing without mercy or regret

Families save their entire frugal lifetimes but gladly waste their offspring
          The best we can hope to achieve is an expensive armed neutrality and eternal vigilance

Then men write stirring books about the great wisdom to be found in the fog of war
          Mothers, it seems, raise their sons only to kill and die fighting for trumped up causes

The soldiers took our chickens and gave us cigarettes while our father hid
          Their muddy boot tracks remained for days, out there by the barn

A small child does not understand the higher purpose that cost him a hand
     Picking through the rubble of their former home, desolation overtakes them

Food is rationed, materials commandeered and the people’s dreams must be cast aside
          These epic struggles demand heroic sacrifices, time and time again

Villagers grew tired of years of war but their wise leader stayed the course
          When it finally ended their economy was reduced to bartering for trash

Father never talked about those things despite the books and movies
          There screams inside the church lasted for 20 minutes when it was burned to the ground

All along the road, lifeless corpses lay, posed in a variety of symbolic gestures
          I took his shoes and these photos soon after he writhed to death

The defoliant changed the meadow and the calves are not the same
          Many children are dreadfully deformed but the authorities still refuse to see

Father left long ago, men took away our mother, now we forage all alone
          Grandfather had his teeth kicked out and now he sits in silence

In late December we huddle with the remaining livestock in the barn
          We haven’t bathed in months and our clothes are filthy rags

We surprised a soldier as we hid and he shot my brother in the face
          He swore loudly at us for a moment and then broke into grimy tears

I was ten and given drugs and guns and learned to kill as a game
          The patriotic pilots flew all night to level our village from far above

We provide the finest medical care for those we send off to be blown apart
          They can barely wait until their guts are sewn up rejoin their brothers in the killing

Grandma starved to death in silence, we kept her in the cellar until March
          My little brother got no mother’s milk but licked the gas off of the grass

When uncle lost an arm we all got headbands made from his extra shirtsleeves
          We thank god every day for the courage and wisdom of our leaders

Everywhere the boy saw patterned bullet holes and imagined their targets
          A steady stream of refugees was beaten, robbed and bombed

The prison camp nearby was filled with vile vermin who looked very normal
          We threw stones at them and traded sawdust flour bread for their gold

The earliest memory of my youngest sister is during the gang rape of my mother
          She says the carcass of our cow bloated in the yard for many weeks

I got some fever in late November and coughed right on through the spring
          We became proficient at making sandals from the tires of blown-up jeeps

We walked two hours one way to carry drinking water in red plastic gas cans
          A jagged piece of metal gashed her arm and a bad infection spread and took her

Limping home shell-shocked years later, he found his wife married to a merchant
          His children did not know him and he had no property or benefits

The jungle grew quiet after the villagers hunted down and ate everything that moved
          Skulls stared in wide-eyed bewilderment, awakened from their mass grave by a bulldozer

Fighting for peace the enemies found strength in different, but equally vicious, one true saviors
          Cars sat burned and abandoned as propaganda leaflets rained from the sky

Count their blessings out loud for them and ration the flour and the sugar
          Triage the terribly wounded and let the merely sick remain untreated

Blame the enemy for the shortages but drink wine and enjoy fine cheeses
          Call upon god to bless the country and be content while gazing in the mirror

Pay no attention to a tiny voice that cries as you empty your sweet weapon
          Drink heavily and engage in loving fist fights during your short combat leaves

Store up so many quick memories that must return at night for many years
          Watch the crows gather in nearby trees when the helicopters leave

Find no peace at home and wonder why there is no one you can talk to
          Remember how they nobly shit their pants as they lay dying in the dirt

Try and escape the look you saw just before the fire bombs went off
          Ask again what you learned as his brain spattered out upon your shirt

Feel the horrid guilt inside because all of them raped you again and again
          Stroke the hair of the son of you and one of those nameless criminals

Ignore the rubble of your home in the utter numbness of your random survival
          Stand in line for hours on the rumor of any sort of relief supplies

Walk for weeks with nothing, in foreign lands, with hatred all around you
          See finally that spring has returned and wonder how and why

Take back no lessons that might prevent this horror from returning
          Resolve to put an end to war - after rebuilding your own great army

Return to what you fought for and find that you are an unwanted stranger
          Dose yourself with drugs and alcohol to forget that you are still alive

Earn huge salaries from the airlines after bombing peasants back to a new stone age
          Beat your wife and children, lose bad jobs and keep loaded guns within reach at home

Make noble sacrifices of other boys though your life was never on the line
          Testify in that wide-eyed silence of rags and dirty battered feet

Be called a foolish child for asking why the world cannot learn to live in peace
          Wonder why the women or the children never started any wars

Make war an institution but leave peace in some fuzzy happily-ever-after
          Smite the heathen foe in the name of your loving and merciful god

Sanction torture of the captured enemy using high tech and evil cunning
          Desecrate the opponent’s beliefs to humble and demoralize him

Feel good about the destruction of schools, homes, factories and farms
          Report with satisfaction on cutting off electricity and water supplies to other families

Do not stop short of using poison, chemicals or diseases as valued weapons
          Shoot whatever moves in an angry fear over shadowy guerilla tactics

Maintain order through that absolute paranoia of all successful dictators
          Pay lavishly for enemy intelligence from agents that you will never trust

Film military parades and joyful family reunions but keep the coffins hidden
          Perish without a purpose as simple collateral damage from their friendly fire

Find simple relief in the end of war and embrace merest grinding poverty
        Publish books in praise of heroes though they, themselves, have nothing to say at all

Be sure the young boys grow up fighting but not thinking very critically
          Leave the hard questions unasked until way too many years have passed

Piece together new lives with different families in makeshift neighborhoods
          Dream of the dead and mutilated and try to forget the awful noise

Catch malaria from the mosquitoes bred in the potholes left by the bombs
          Sell rusting tank parts for scrap metal without apparent emotion

Get trained, go off and kill anyone who opposes you without a shred of reason for several years
          Then, overnight go home and become a good husband, loving father and patient citizen

Consume even more precious resources rebuilding from the latest wanton destruction
          Give thanks to god for victory but never ask why he could ever let it happen

Race to rebuild armies and military hardware while disavowing violence
          Sell weapons as capitalist commodities with a blind eye to their use

Feel the weight of human suffering but be tempered by a false righteousness
          Let the old ever sentence the young to foolish wars in endless cycles

Let the population grow, the weapons proliferate and the resources dwindle
          Use diversity of languages and customs to foster hatred among them

Pull the teachers from the schools and the students from the universities
          Let them experience for themselves the lessons that cannot be taught

Do not seek methods that might end wars but find ways to make them worse
          Never let it disappear and always ensure that yet another looms

Our Leaders: Environmentalism Costs Money and Jobs

It was coal mine safety I remember they said so long ago
Which would maybe protect us just a little
But they would cost so much and take away so many jobs

to clean up the air and remove the lead from our gasoline
would be overly expensive and result in widespread unemployment

those who warn us of losing jobs and growing poor
are often those who gladly, in point of fact,
send our jobs away offshore, executing an old formula for more fat bonuses

Now they say they cannot afford to control emissions
on your favorite SUV
for clearly neither they nor we are responsible for atmospheric conditions

and requiring some sort of mileage standards
for their blimpy behemoths
is tantamount to a denial of our precious civil rights

we must let the coal-fired power plants exhaust mercury into our children’s brains
for upgrading them would provide but marginal benefit, just to a few
and would cost millions and throw many out of work

we must always remember the main point in this corporate-funded debate:
it is about jobs for the people and wood for deserving foreign consumers
not about some non-voting birds or non-interest bearing old-growth forests

let the market decide the fate of the cetaceans and the wandering albatross
bycatch regulation would make seafood more expensive and
rob the automated factory fishing fleet, portrayed in corporate publicityas the noble, independent fisherman, of its ancient livelihood

depriving the petro-chemical industry of the profits
derived from fertilizers and insecticides
under the flimsy guise of protecting farmlandmight make our factory bread more expensive and cost corporate farmers their lands

cleaning up the exhaust of those mighty diesel trucks
to possibly prevent unproven lung disease in our little children
would clearly be cost ineffective and steal more of those precious jobs

joining in the effort to reduce greenhouse emissions
could potentially damage our powerful, but sensitive, economy
and certainly would cost too much money and put many people out of work

forcing consumers to pay more for gasoline
to increase efficiency fix the roads and reduce our dependence on terrorist havens
would surely be quite expensive and bring about even more unemployment

the destruction of the panoramic beauty of the Grand Canyon
is a smaller price to pay than
the huge costs and potential job losses required to stop the massive nearbycoal-fired power plants from polluting once-pristine Western air

we must ease bureaucratic restrictions on mining, drilling and development
which are stifling entrepreneurship
thus enabling Big Oil to export our Energy Independence
and to provide employment for all our citizens who seek it

if we do not unlock petroleum resources in every corner of our great land,
following the mantra of accessibility and multiple use,
gasoline must grow ever more expensive and threaten our very way of life

making rules to curb urban and exurban sprawl created by outside investors
stifles free enterprise, denies local control and limits property rights
makes housing less affordable, thus curbing all of our opportunities for employment

permitting giant hog farms to foul our groundwater with their untreated wastes
keeps the price of pork quite low for the American consumer
and gives a few of the ex-small farmers steady jobs suffocating in the smelly mess

forcing developers to rebuild abandoned and outdated suburban shopping centers
is not nearly as cost-efficient compared to bulldozing formerly open space
and would surely raise rents for store owners and reduce their hiring rates

allowing citizens to cheaply purchase exported American drugs via Canada
could pose serious health risks and threaten the noble BigPharma research process
which could only make medications more expensive and send more jobs overseas

for at the end of another day of the greedy and self-serving
who anonymously risk their egos to grow rich in the corporate shadows
what better way to cow working consumers and government officials than
to threaten them with higher prices and the loss of their precious jobs

Finally Lost My Wack Libtard Idealism

Lost sight of the person I once had wanted to become
Got comfortable with seeing bulldozers roaring everywhere I went
Got used to living in a greedy plastic land of marketing make believe

Gave up on those homemade, love-based, back-to-the-land, juvenile delusions
Forgot completely about swimming in clean water anymore in the summer
Grew able to ignore the polluted air since I was always behind dirty windows

Lost connection to the land but tuned into the stock markets
Came out of the forest and became a temporary stain on the pavement
Stopped looking for some small-footprint, self-sustaining lifestyle

Lost sight of the ideals that were instilled in me so long ago
Grew to find happiness in buying cheap new imports and saving nothing
Quit walking in the woods but made new trails with my noisy dirt bike

Learned to look for speculative potential behind all undeveloped land
Adopted a conservatism which promotes exploitation in all directions
Surrendered happily to every childish urge presented by the media

Succumbed to a fantasy lifestyle financed by expensive credit cards
Gradually lost empathy with the poor and totally forgot the underprivileged
No longer plant trees on Earth Day but I do know which SUV has more horsepower

Lost sight of happiness in the endless rush after pleasures I never remember
Look right on thru the endless suffering of my less successful brothers
Don’t worry about safe, homemade, organic food cause I eat out all the time

Forgot how to think critically and do not listen to that quiet voice inside me anymore, either
Don’t care that I lost track of the cycles of the moon and the seasons
Remain ignorant of science but freely quote from hundreds of Hollywood releases

Gave up on the redwoods and no longer fear for the baby seals
Let the rain forests go and what good, really, were those polar bears anyway?
Not going back to the land except on my powerful overpriced and financed OHV

No longer question the morality of war if our born-again leaders find it necessary
Quit worrying about a planet that I do not own and cannot control
learned to overlook my extra 25 pounds, double chin and metabolic syndrome

Found it so much easier swimming deep inside the school rather than against the tide
Gave my children everything in hopes they would always find me cool
Spend thousands on an illusion that I am not like those who came before me

Lost sight of the person that I had wanted to become when I finally grew up
Barely notice that I stay at work too long and commute way too far
Gave up any sense of responsibility for leaving behind a better world

Find it easy to sit semi-comatose flipping channels instead of reading books
Narrowed a broad curiosity into eToy price comparisons and stock watching
Haven’t taken up a new sport or picked up an old one since I don’t want to know when

No longer strive for a mystical connection to any land, weather or animals
Don’t really recognize the person in any of my old pictures
Sometimes try to consider what I might have thought of my new self, way back then

Caught up in watering, poisoning, fertilizing and mowing the stupid grass I so detested
Grew embarrassed of recycling when my Conservative betters deemed it a sign of weakness
Foolishly dress like a ‘Professional’ to keep a job I actually loathe very much

Don’t bother checking miles per gallon or tailpipe emissions but I know my 0 to 60 times
Quit worrying where the food comes from or where the garbage goes
Forgot about acid rain, global warming, overpopulation and toxic chemicals

Convinced now that greed is enshrined in our infallible constitution and the holy bible
Trying to make a difference no longer keeps me awake in the night
Long ago put down the musical instrument I once found so important

Wake up with thoughts of who I must backstab at work instead of who I should try to be
Quit living in the moment and simply work for short, mindless breaks
Never walk quietly and all alone in the moonlight anymore

Lost sight of all the reasons I once had to strive for a better world
Focused quite clearly on myself and what the kids want right now
Sometimes wonder who this person is that I married so long ago

Grown quite accustomed to the sight of miles of brand new and identical Burbs
Content with family adventure at some new and distant shopping mall
Anti-depressants and alcohol help to smooth out the bumps and the glitches

Feel cheated cause I didn’t spend hours at electronic games like my kids get to do
Accepted Jesus as my personal savior and abdicated all of my rational responsibility
No longer see well enough to scan those far off horizons for spiritual clues

Don’t bother to stop for the rainbows I only see now through my bug-splattered windshield
Look forward to salty snacks snatched from cellophane bags
Use my remaining thinking skills to analyze overblown corporate sporting events

Pretend to look rich to those just like me on vacations none of us can actually afford
Dress up like an outlaw on my financed Harley on weekends, insured by the AARP
Expect to maintain my accustomed lifestyle from the Social Security I so richly deserve

Paid off my credit cards again by cashing out more unearned home equity, then filed Chapter 7
Made big money cashing out my home & leaving the community my kids can’t afford to live in
Lost sight of the great wheel and was to quickly thrown off the corporate merry-go-round

Don’t feel like that aging person I don’t recognize in unexpected glances in mirrors
Am not a litterbug but don’t recycle since it doesn’t really matter
Love my second home but am mildly appalled by habitat destruction

Take fashion cues from my kids marketers, adding lame twists of my own
Quite often need a morning Ibuprofen just from sleeping wrong
Don’t walk the sidewalks anymore for fear of being seen as squishy

Financed a new and bigger house after the kids simply ruined the old one
Plumbers and electricians, roofers and carpenters make me uneasy
No longer unaware of a tee shirt in which the sweat has dried in its place

My search of the unknowable ended in small tithes and a blind trust in Jesus
Staunched my bleeding heart with a swab of Social Darwinism
Now we pull together with the tough love of compassionate conservatism

All the attractive women call me Sir and recommend what their fathers like for me
Spent the money my parents left me on a facelift and a new sports sedan
Found some drawings I once made but quickly regained my petty focus

Lost sight of stars that had guided me, but not just because of all the light pollution
No longer see important images in those great western skies
Now prefer the non-stop, empty din of the media to culturing peaceful silence within

Would not mind seeing all that empty wilderness if I did not have to walk to get there
Lay in bed trying to figure out how I can make all that money I need real quick
Learned that if I cannot really afford it, at least I can still put it on the credit card

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bless Our Only Home And Damn Our Hurtful Ways

Bless the peaceful morning light that’s always been there to help us to awaken
Damn the gutted, blighted and abandoned urban landscapes

Bless the children’s upturned and smiling faces
Damn the slobs gaining weight while only producing sewage and litter

Bless the waves that strike the cliffs and lift the salt in smoky spray
Damn the factory fishing fleets with their gruesome toll of ByCatch

Bless those who work so hard and cheerfully to make us well again
Damn the greedy and self-serving whose so-called freedom rapes this land

Bless the myriad creatures in the ever-changing web of life
Damn the corporations that clearcut and dam until the salmon can no longer spawn

Bless the sick whose courage is a lesson to the healers
Damn the myriad poisons in the food and the water and the carcinogens in the air

Bless the birds whose gentle voices wake us to each and every newborn day
Damn those who take all their Wreckreation in gasoline-powered noisemakers

Bless the evening rain gently tapping on the window panes
Damn the overpopulation bringing deforestation, drought, famine and war

Bless the music so mercifully given us from whatever source it flows
Damn the angry voices with their loud, hoarse but empty shouts

Bless the farmer who grows our food and is the good steward of our land
Damn those BigAg soil killers whose only goal is higher stock prices via greedy oligopoly

Bless the patchy fog that gives a new perspective to those deeply green foothills
Damn the dogs of war, forever sapping human and economic resources

Bless the tiny life forms of that miraculous microcosm existing both within and outside of us
Damn the loud, the thoughtless, the blindly hostile and the obnoxious

Bless the protective silence that envelops us in the night
Damn the free market for letting mothers starve just to feed their children

Bless the source of our scientific discoveries and engineering skills
Damn those who loudly market Viagra instead of curing malaria

Bless those who count their blessings with a quiet, internal smile
Damn those who live just to show off every new bauble that they buy

Bless the heroes who find the ways to help the poor to help themselves
Damn the fundamentalists wound too far and too tightly up their literalist cocoons

Bless the mothers who use up their own lives to nurture their own children
Damn those whose twisted faith keeps women covered, pregnant, barefoot and ignorant

Bless the snows that fill the streams that water the crops that feed us all
Damn the shortsighted eco-embezzlers who profitably drain irreplaceable fossil aquifers

Bless the sound of distant thunder in the velvet darkness on an autumn night
Damn the incessant roar of the interstate and the fumes that fill our homes

Bless the changing of the seasons in the great wheel of the world
Damn the vapid tourists, always whining for the sun to shine

Bless our faithful dogs who wake with the great joy of togetherness, every morning
Damn those wielding political correctness simply to gain control over those they fear

Bless those who brought the hot, running water and electricity to our homes
Damn real estate plays and the same tired development plans used everywhere

Bless the European lands from which my forefathers had to emigrate
Damn all their sycophant spokesmen and their orchestrated fairytale press releases

Bless the ancient Bristlecones, watching centuries pass by, nearly at the timberline
Damn the ‘quick fix’ and the ‘just for now’ that, through management ineptitude, never cease

Bless the mighty bluefin tuna cruising the blue depths in warm-blooded hunting packs
Damn the Healthy Forests, Clear Skies and No Net Loss initiatives of so-called Conservatives

Bless the big families and their memories and the places that they lived so long
Damn Harleys, dirt bikes and ATVs, snowmobiles, jet skis and giant RVs

Bless those of quiet faith which runs very deep but remains mostly hidden
Damn drive-thru food, 50 oz sodas and their castoff packaging rotting on the ground

Bless the patterns in the clouds and their reflections on the many northern lakes
Damn the casinos and the slot machines, the blackjack tables and the roulette wheels

Bless the pedestrians, folk musicians and those in old but sturdy clothing
Damn augmented anorexic real estate pros in sunglasses with their tinted BMW windows up

Bless those who can fix and will repair, who maintain and do not deceive
Damn a market system that makes desired resources more expensive until they are simply gone

Bless the predawn hour when things can be brought into some decent perspective, for a moment
Damn the endless pressure to do things for the sake of some shoulder-climber’s fantasy schedule

Bless the mystic harmony in the math behind the orbits of the planets
Damn those who would recast science as simply another dumb-downed political debate

Bless the idealistic young people who challenge our beliefs and assumptions
Damn those who use drugs and terror to make orphan children kill

Bless the gentle steer for providing us with his good nutrition
Damn the soulless farming gulag that drags tortured victims to our tables

Bless the quiet music of the creek in its endless variations upon so many themes
Damn those whose presence is always accompanied by so much unnecessary noise

Bless those who can tolerate uncertainty and can still live with some doubt
Damn the irrational faithful who survive only upon regurgitated sound bites

Bless the new discoveries that help us to comfortably enjoy more while using less
Damn the wasteful, the inefficient, the oversized and the polluting

Bless those who can prototype and breadboard, innovate and discover
Damn those who mindlessly take for granted household electricity and hot water

Bless the little girl who smiles up and says so easily, ‘I love you, Daddy’
Damn to a living hell those who recruit suicide bombers in the name of god

Bless the cooling breeze that arrives with the shady afternoon thunder clouds
Damn the hot, dry wind that blows endlessly during this perpetual drought

Bless the innocent and peaceful beauty of the open countryside
Damn the smash and grab developers whose greedy work destroys the very dreams they sell

Bless the powerful salmon who feed the killer whales, eagles and the giant Kodiak bears
Damn the toxic factory fish farms producing tainted flesh made available in designer colors

Bless the rich and crusty bread which sustains us
Damn that plastic-wrapped, soulless white crap brought in semis from the baking factories

Bless sustainablility, interdependence, fewer people and a smaller footprint
Damn your mindless, consumptive, wasteful and inefficient so-called Progress

Bless good cops, volunteers, firefighters, medics and committed social workers
Damn the lobbyists, lawyers, bankers, politicians and advertisers

Bless the real farmers, dispatchers, nurses, doctors and garbage men
Damn the stock brokers, insurance, real estate and car salesmen

Bless the teachers, researchers, astronauts, inventors and smoke jumpers
Damn the evangelists, preachers, priests, imams, mullahs, rabbis, reverends and ministers

Bless energy independence and distributed micro power generation
Damn big oil and electricity, dirty coal and foreign dependence

Bless peaceful silence, open space, clean air and intact ecosystems
Damn eternally our spending ever more on the demented industry we call war

Bless those who strive to find harmony with the earth and its systems
Damn those who sculpt with bulldozers creating identical chain convenience stores

Bless the fullness, beauty and complexity of our short human lives
Damn a life experience drawn only from Hollywood movies and video games

Bless physics, astronomy, cosmology, paleontology, ecology for the wonder they invoke
Damn drive-thrus, frozen meals, supersized drinks and disposable plastic forks

Bless those who take the time to try and make us think for ourselves
Damn those who try to sell us on their own short-sighted, selfish and stupid agendas

Bless the patient, merciful, forgiving, understanding and the sympathetic
Damn the road-raged, stressed-out, hyper, insecure and the caffeined-up

Bless the handicapped child who always tries so hard and smiles so sweetly
Damn the lazy & willfully ignorant as they graze vapidly in front of their media altars

Bless the built-to-last, easy-to-maintain and the better-than-it-has-to-be
Damn things ill-conceived and poorly-made – All things made to break and be thrown away

Bless the long and killing freezes of the cold dark winters
Damn the defenders of our liberties, scoffing though every year is warmer

Bless the clouds and moon, our sun, the planets, the Milky Way and beyond
Damn religious wars, slavery, forced prostitution and drug kingpins

Bless the ponds and lakes, creeks and streams, rivers, seas and oceans
Damn those awful things that we just keep on adding to the rain

Bless the change in sunlight that marks the slow flow of the seasons
Damn the 8-to-5 all year long with daylight savings time added for our so-called efficiency

Bless the myriad adaptations of the life force of which we are but one tiny groping pseudopod
Damn our fictional fabrication known as the soul, especially for granting it only to ourselves