Friday, November 7, 2014

Lord Help The Rapists

Lord help the rapists to avoid their occasional pangs of guilt
Grant inner calm to the armed robbers and the burglars of the night
Jesus grant the vicious young murderers yet a third second chance
May there be mercy for the drug dealers as they just go about their jobs
God see that the unrepentant alcoholics get yet another binge
Bring a peaceful blindness to those who voluntarily choose not to see
Christ, let the persecuted pedophiles find succor in thy love
Take away the environmental issues which stymie our economic progress

Lord help the vapid salesman quickly waste his unearned income
Grant peace to those who cunningly fleece the elderly and disabled
Jesus give that sweaty, smelly Meth head one more runup on that Crank
May there be mercy for angry boyfriends even as they shake those tiny infants
God see that the gang bangers continue killing each other, each and every day
Keep reason away from those who take such loud pride in their ignorance
Christ, let the rich stay quite safely locked away and keep the poor in their places
Take away political scruples that they may fervently beat the big lies into a glorious truth

Lord help the remorseful gambler build up yet another stake to lose
Grant us abundant cheap liquor and drugs for the homeless in their filthy alleys
Jesus give the campaign contributing military contractor another bloated, no-bid contract
May the workaholic finish just one more task before falling over dead on the way home
God see that the innocent children continue to die without any reason except by your will
Bring the slick pimps more lost young women to charm, drug, abuse and enslave
Christ, let the developers fulfill their greedy dystopian vision from sea to sea
Take away this foolish liberal whining over pristine lands and forest creatures

Lord help the swindlers find greedy marks with timely, new and better scams
Grant restful slumber to those we send off to kill foreign civilians to keep us safe
Jesus give us the hubris to proceed in our folly despite all this conflicting evidence
May the pornographers find more ways to inflame our insatiable appetites
God see that the amoral coyotes find safe desert places to abandon silent illegale victims
Bring us grisly disasters upon which the wicked can swoop to prey
Christ, let the handicapped continue accepting their lot in patient silence
Take away our common sense that we once more foolishly invest only to lose again

Lord help the dirty, old hooker entrap yet another lonely, drunken john
Grant that all ruthless, absolute dictators die peacefully in their sleep
Jesus, give the assassin good timing and a steady hand
May we not need worry at all until it is so late we can rest assured that it cannot be helped
God, see that we never forget that in your image we stand apart from nature
Please hurry with this mass extinction so we can get on with our lives in peace
Christ, let the weak and poor continue to find their only hope in you through us, your vessels
Take away their reason that they may meekly accept their filthy lot in blind faith

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