Friday, November 7, 2014

Grant us a blind, unyielding and merciless faith

Lord help us to ignore anything that contradicts our righteous visions
Grant us a blind, unyielding and merciless faith that we so seek in thee
Jesus give us time to fulfill our implanted dreams of hyper-consumption
Keep our leaders free from the constraints of reason, logic and good sense
God see that according to thy will we strike down the wicked infidel fanatics
Bring us peace as we lay waste to their sin-ridden cities and fields
Christ, let the priests explain away natural disasters and childhood deaths
Take away our fear and wonder and sustain us on a stale and moldy faith

Lord help the single, teenage mother to party on and be impregnated again
Grant us the ability to ignore how they must live - as we are driving by
Jesus give us the strength to carry all our extra fat way over to the couch
May we barter our reason for media babble taken with quantities of sweet or salty snacks
God see that we always demand bigger vehicles with more powerful engines
Bring the rich lower taxes, import cheap goods and export middle-class jobs
Christ let avaricious suckups and backbiting kick-downers keep masquerading as leaders
Take care of all those fathers who abandon their children without any support

Lord help the congressmen redistrict each and every voting region to their full advantage
Grant us the wisdom to cut the old growth timber and to drain unproductive wetlands
Jesus give us the petroleum for our humvees, jets and black helicopters
May thy name be upon our lips as our swinish lifestyles overtake us at last
God see that we continue never to look back with any regrets or apologies
Bring us thy thick-necked police bullies who are merely enforcing the law
Christ may the doctor work swiftly that he does not miss his tee time
Take back any guilt, remorse or shame we might accidentally feel

Lord help the children to understand and accept their reduced lots in life
Grant us new drugs that we might eat like pigs but still remain quite thin
Jesus lend us your strength to bludgeon the infidels with thy heavy holy cross
May we always have a terrible bogeyman with which to frighten our people
God see that sexual predators work in the nursing homes where we dump our Mothers
Bring us taxable vices for the masses and clever loopholes for the rich
Christ let entrepreneurs in need be able to grease the proper official’s sweaty palms
Take away our worries and fears that we may serve thee with blind faith, free of doubt

Lord help the suicide bombers to detonate near many unwary civilians
Grant the greedy African dictators more aid to siphon off to themselves and their cronies
Jesus give them the docility never to question our virtuous leaders
May the multinationals come to control all commerce and chart out every lifestyle
God see that violent criminals perfect their heinous crafts and addictions in our prisons
Bring us blindness as to where our water comes from and our garbage goes
Christ give unmarried great grand-daughters of single mothers their own bastard children
Take away our foolish worries over environmentally-induced diseases

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